
Harnessing DAC technology for a more   sustainable future

Rapidly scalable carbon solutions

Our DAC can support a robust sustainability strategy by delivering high-quality carbon credits or DAC systems for decarbonisation.

airhive dac unit

Verified and permanent

Carbon credits

Address carbon emissions for less and achieve sustainability goals faster with permanent carbon removal through our DAC credits.

+ Offtakes available for pre-purchase

carbon capture unit

Adaptable size and operation

Modular DAC units

Install flexible DAC modules quickly and cost-efficiently to supply your own air-captured CO₂ or decarbonise your supply chain.

Highly purity, low cost

Food grade CO₂

Generate food grade carbon dioxide on site to carbonate beverages, decaffeinate drinks or preserve foods, while reducing your emissions.

carbonated drinks
airplane rear sunset

Geographically flexible

Sustainable fuels

Partner with us to generate high-quality aviation and shipping fuels like SAF and green methanol made from air captured CO₂ and green hydrogen.

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Take action today

See how our DAC can cost-effectively contribute to your sustainability targets.

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