Deep Sky Alpha
Supplying modular DAC technology to Deep Sky
Deep Sky is a carbon removal project developer on a mission to remove gigatons of CO₂ from the atmosphere. Our partnership sees the development of one of the world’s most advanced DAC facilities at Deep Sky Alpha, the first ever cross-technology carbon removal project.

“Because Airhive is using proven technology with established manufacturing partners, they have been able to design and produce a system for Deep Sky cost-effectively in a matter of months. We’ve been impressed by Airhive’s technical maturity and have found the team to be excellent collaborators.”
Our space-saving DAC units
These compact units require just 50 square meters of land for a 1000 tonne-per-annum system.

Explore our other project deployments

The Airhive difference
Why our DAC?
Our system processes air with modest sorbent, energy and water requirements (0.6kg per kg CO2).
Even at high air velocities, our system captures over 99% of the CO₂ that passes through it.
Airhive's compact system design saves space and cuts land costs, enabling more places DAC can go to work.
System modularity allows us to scale our DAC to the needs of your site or project.
Our DAC systems are fully electrically powered and can use 100% renewable energy sources.
Our modules can be deployed across a range of temperature and climatic conditions.
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Let’s make a difference
Partner with us
Partner with us to accelerate DAC technology, advance carbon removal deployment, and drive our collective journey to net zero.